
Whether you want to be an annual Palmetto Boosters member or make a one-time donation or establish a permanent charitable legacy, virtually any asset can be used make an impact at PHS.


Check or credit card is the easiest way to contribute to a fund and may qualify for maximum allowable income tax deductions.

Stocks and Bonds

Gifts of securities are highly appreciated, they may be given so the donor can deduct the full fair market value as a charitable contribution and thus avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation.

Real Estate

Property that is not mortgaged may also be given at appraised value so the donor can receive a full charitable deduction and avoid capital gains taxes.

Tangible Assets

Property such as: cars, boats, equipment etc. can be donated as well.

Life Insurance

Life insurance policies can be used to create a major gift at relatively low cost to the donor. If the Community Foundation is named owner or beneficiary of a new or existing policy, the donor receives a tax deduction. Additional premiums paid through the Foundation are tax deductible, and proceeds pass to charity, free of estate tax. A special publication is available through the Foundation on all the advantages of contributing Life Insurance.

Closely-held Business Interest

Shares of close-held business interest can be gifted to the Community Foundation creating a donor advised fund. This can often help minimize the tax implications of the sale or closure of a business.

If you have any questions regarding a gift, please contact us support@palmettoboosters.com